Saturday, February 14, 2015

Screw Turnin Fireball

Like a band of gypsy's the All Aboard Tour's been travelin Ontario running public demos for the 1st half of the season. The tour ends with a retailer intro and over a 120 shop people showed up at Blue to burn laps on next years gear.

Couple of tents - view from the East Side

West Side Livin

Beaver non-stop screw turnin

It been here for years - Fegelman bringing the leg bag back!

Pre-demo - waiting for shops to show up type laps

Spring Break x CAPiTA

McGurk was running around talking about his Castle and making everyone take photos of the map to the party

Matt Dear Diet Pepsi seizure

Thanks to everyone that came out, hung out, tried some new stuff and hoisted a few back. 

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