Saturday, February 14, 2015


The last six weeks have been a blur of good times with good people, that's gone something like this - trade shows, showings, trade shows, showings, trade shows, showings. Here's a glimpse into the haze that is SIA

CAPiTA and friends through a party the first night of the show with Earlyman and Red Fang melting faces
Its not often that I fan out, but it was pretty cool seeing Chris Roach get the recognition he deserves. Legend Award presentation at the Transworld Riders Polls. This dream were all living could have been a nightmare of gates and speed suits.

People going to start doing some shit

Post awards at One up with an epic crew
Blue bird corduroy at Copper
Copper End of Day One

Day 2 was okay

A T-bar, mellow traverse and pow fields and trees
These beauties

Top of the traverse

2015/2016 graphic leak

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